Monday, March 7, 2011

          Haiiii Madam Hartini and all my gangs animals haha. Now I feel really happy with
this subject that at first I think it's very troubling to me haha. It is because before this I was not interested in English and I am not familiar with each presentation. When I began studying at the college each presentation is English speaking and it's very difficult one for me. And now I began  to realize that English is very  important for
my future when I was out later, she was also concerned with the way we talk to other people and ourscience section.

          Now I am in semester 4 and 2 months I went to English class. lot of knowledge and experience that I have to in this class such as how to communicate properly and effectively. other than that I can practice the seven `c in communication. It is a consideration, conciseness, completeness, courtesy, clarity, corretness, concreteness. With have seven things, and I practice I might be a good speaker. If I learn to be a good speaker is more likely than college I will be more confident when dealing with others when the say in the world of work. Seain also what to say of this English class is that we have plenty of reading to become a man of knowledge. With this it will make us the respect of those around us. do not forget for all the advice Madam Hartini who has always wanted us to learn and we want to succeed in life.

          English is the subject of many that I have learned in communication. It was my supplies in my career. Every time I have a presentation in class today I will practice all of what I've learned in the classroom. For example when I make presentations in the classroom with a story about the importance of information technology is highly developed at this time I will present to the body language. Beside that, during my interview I also have confidence in conducting the interview session. I must speak clearly and do not move much during the interview and should show our confidence in ourselves. That I will practice and this will I use in my career when I was working in the wild later.

          Do you recommend this course to others to learn? Yes, i will because this subject will give us so many new knowledge that we never know and also give us confident when we learn this subject. This subject will take us for a better career in the future and i will suggest for my junior to take this subject with Madam Hartini because she is the world's best lecture I've ever met, both with the students, sporting and have a rather loud voice to be heard when he was angry haha. thank you madam, madam of the knowledge taught to us and we will use it in fully.

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